Sierra Shanti Studio

Unveiling the Wisdom of Patanjali: A Yoga Sutras Lecture and Discussion
with Lauren Robinson


February 17 (Saturday)
at 7:00 am

Class length
120 minutes

Online Via Zoom

Unveiling the Wisdom of Patanjali: A Yoga Sutras Lecture and Discussion

Delve into the profound heart of yoga with an in-depth exploration of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

This 2-hour interactive lecture, discussion & embodiment invites you to embark on a journey into the ancient wisdom held within this foundational text. Join us as we dissect, discuss, and apply the teachings of Patanjali to your own yoga practice and life.

This class require no experience. Bring a curious mind, pen, paper,& anything to keep you warm and cozy during our chat! 

Please preregister as participants will be given supplementary handouts. Ticketed event, $25

Yoga philosophy, the perfect way to start the day!


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