Sierra Shanti Studio

Prana Vinyasa Flow ~ Dancing Dynamic Equilibrium
with Kelley Doyle

February 27 (Thursday)
at 5:00 pm

Class length
105 minutes

Outdoors @ Eastside Guesthouse & Bivy

According to the ancients mystics we are made up of dancing particles of radiance... physical science affirms that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Again ancient wisdom offers that the whole universe is a collective creative weaving of this dance of opposites reflected in each inhale and exhale and expanded to the fullness of the first breath to the surrender of the last. Join me in weaving these concepts into the dynamic flow of breath and movement as we shape shift on the mat in various asanas to ground, nourish, activate, circulate and embrace balance inside land begin to reflect how this sacred dance is shaping our lives... LIVING YOGA SOUL SESSIONS 

Kelley Doyle 500 E-RYT
BS Alternative Medicine

Playful, energetic, soulful mama of 3 from San Clemente California, Kelley has been living + teaching yoga for the past 25 years, sharing undiluted love for moving meditation. “Yoga as a pathway of transformation through embodiment” as a mantra to nourish deeper connectivity to the pulse of nature through breath, movement & flow in rhythm with the heart for living peace inside and out + a passion for bridging the gaps between modern science and ancient wisdom. Kelley is a teacher trainer + senior assistant for Samudra Global School of Living Yoga founded by Shiva Rea and offers Prana Vinyasa teacher trainings, retreats and classes open to all.

Prana Vinyasa Flow Yoga is a fun dynamic full spectrum embodied approach to activating strength + nourishing flexibility in body, mind + soul for life. Utilizing the lens of the elements + connecting breath to movement in flow to cultivate moving as a meditation offering opportunity for self reflection to guide friends in the flow to deepen connection to intention and move from the heart to soul inspired music all ways!

***Class is on Thursday, February 27th at 5pm
***Cost to attend is $20
***Opportunity for Q&A about YTT with Kelley of May-June 2020


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