Sierra Shanti Studio

Thai Bodywork Certification
June 20, 2025 June 22, 2025
with Fernando

Total # of Classes

In Studio



This 3-day course provides participants with the knowledge and skills required to facilitate a 90-minute Thai Yoga Bodywork (TYB) session. Participants will gain insight into the history of the art form; learn proper technique; explore strategies for self-care; and learn business practices. At the end of the course,  participants will be able to facilitate a sequence that integrates the essential techniques of TB. Knowledge gained through the course can be utilized for yoga instruction; one on one sessions; and to deepen practitioners’ familiarity with anatomy and physiology.


  • An overview of the history of Thai Bodywork. Including a review of ancient documents and drawings by the monks who originated this art form

  • Best business practices for you to grow your Thai Bodywork business

  • Understanding of Applied Anatomy 

  • Accessing the “sen” or energy lines in the body

  • Thai Bodywork techniques & assisted stretching

  • Breathwork and meditation for sustainability and endurance while facilitating Thai bodywork

  • Self-care techniques

  • How to create income for yourself with this healing art form

Material Provided

Training Manual that contains the sequence participants will learn & and an overview of the history and methodology

Synergy Applied Anatomy Manual detailing the human anatomy being worked on through the Thai Bodywork techniques. Also outlining where most people today hold pain and how to alleviate it and deal with injuries.

What to wear and bring to the certification?

Wear comfortable loose clothing. Thai bodywork often applies stretches, some describe it as yoga postures applied on you so bring clothing that you can comfortably move in. 

During the course you will give and receive Thai Bodywork techniques so bring some light snacks and things to eat so you are not very full during the practice. We will have a closing dinner on Sunday at the closing of the event. 

Why is this course valuable for me and who can benefit from taking this course?

This course provides people with a better understanding of the body and how to liberate the body from any pain and angst it may hold due to injuries or imbalance it may hold. It is great information for someone wanting to develop a better understanding of their body. Also for people who wish are well practitioners and wish to add more offerings to their business practice. If you are a yoga teacher, massage therapist, personal trainer or someone who is interested in this as a career or path, the Thai Bodywork certification will provide you with the skills, knowledge and business practice needed to add this to your business. 

Upon completion of the course you will develop the ability to give a 90 minute Thai Bodywork session to your clients. These sessions usually range between $100-$150. 

This  is a 3-day certification course:
June 20th , 21st and 22nd
Friday   2-5PM
Saturday 11 -5
Sunday 11 -5 

Payments plans available. Please contact [email protected] if you'd like to register with a payment plan.

The class takes place on...

  • June 20 at 2:00 pm (Friday)
  • June 21 at 11:00 am (Saturday)
  • June 22 at 11:00 am (Sunday)


Thai Bodywork Certification (Ticket)



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